Portland, OR
Homeless: 2012 – Present
Tell me a little bit about yourself.
You can call me Z. I'm 28 and a trans male. I’ve been living on the streets, in cars, or couch surfing since I was 18. I've currently been living on the sidewalk for the last 3 months. Before that I was living in a minivan for around 5 months and a Ford Escape for 2 years previous to that. In total, I think I only have about 3 cumulative years of living in my own space. I’m in Portland right now. I came here from Indiana to escape the cold.
Were you ever in a situation where you didn’t have access to basic necessities; including oral hygiene products, deodorant, shampoo, body wash, or menstrual care items?
I lived in my car for a few years before becoming homeless so I was kind of "eased" into it if there is such a thing (accustomed to not living in a house). Mv car broke down and I've been sidewalk-homeless for about 3 months now. For the most part though, I’ve always been pretty good at keeping things I need on hand, but money is tight.
Did you ever not know the next time you would be able to brush your teeth or take a shower?
Yes. Before I got a gym membership, which I use to bathe, trying to find a shower was so difficult, even when I lived in the car. The most difficult thing to get while you are homeless, in my experience, is an actual shower. Not being able to take a shower is the worst! Especially if its been a few days and you have a shift coming up and have to worry about if people will notice how dirty you are. Often I would strip down at night, when less people are around, and soap up and pour a bottle of water over myself.
Did you ever frequent homeless shelters or churches, hoping they might be able to provide those hygiene necessities?
I do my best to work and have a gym membership, so I leave the shelters and churches alone so they may be utilized by someone who has a greater need than I do.
Have you ever had to resort to stealing to get these hygiene necessities for yourself?
Honestly, I’ve gotten pretty good at budgeting and saving money. Often over the years I have been unemployed or wasted all my money on booze and needed to stretch $20 a week or more. But at this point in time I no longer drink, which has been a blessing and I almost never feel in lack of anything anymore. Sometimes when money is tight or gone I have borrowed soap, toothpaste, and laundry detergent, etc. from friends. I've even accepted a donation from the church people once or twice, but for the most part, especially recently, these are things I’ve been able to purchase for myself. Often people are surprised to hear I am both homeless and employed. Many people who don’t have anywhere to live are still working, though. I know of a few personally on my block. I think those of us who struggle with access to basic hygiene items would generally be those of us who are struggling with addiction and are completely destitute.